During this session we will cover:
Totalization Agreements
Certificates of Coverage
US taxation of foreign social security plans
FBAR reporting requirements
Plus lots of examples!

During this session we will discuss:
US visas for international students
Taxability and the right to work
Tax treaty positions for international students (including examples)
Tax Identification Numbers for international students
Transitioning from an international to a domestic US employee
Nonresident and dual-status tax returns

During this session we will cover:
The purpose of tax equalization
Hypothetical tax withholding
Payroll reporting of hypothetical tax and TEQ repayments
Claim of right issues
Plus, lots of examples!

During this session we will cover:
Previous Expatriation Rules
The HEART Act and IRC Sec. 877A
Proper way to relinquish Citizenship/Green Card
FBAR reporting requirements
Plus lots of examples!

During this session we will cover:
The international payroll considerations
Types of international payroll
Social tax and Totalization agreements
Tax treaties which affect payroll

During this session we will cover:
Tax treaties and their impact
Accidental permanent establishment
Structuring of expatriate assignments

During this session we will discuss:
US tax implications of ownership in foreign corporations
Controlled foreign corporations and Form 5471
Passive Foreign Investment Companies and Form 8621
Foreign Trust Reporting & Forms 3520/A
Foreign Partnerships and Form 8865

During this session we will discuss:
Identification of Controlled Foreign Corporationss
US Tax Implications of CFC Ownership
Forms 5471 and other filings
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act - Transition Tax
Plus lots and lots of examples!

During this session we will discuss:
Definition of Passive Foreign Investment Companies
US tax implications of ownership in PFIC
Form 8621 and other filings
Common pitfalls of PFIC ownership
Plus lots and lots of examples!

During this session we will discuss:
Identifying Foreign Trusts
Reporting on Form 3520/3520-A and other filings
US Tax treatment of foreign gifts
Contributions, distributions, and loans from foreign trusts
Plus lots and lots of examples!

During this session we will discuss:
Definition of Foreign Partnerships
Form 8865 and other filing requirements
Reporting for US partners of foreign partnerships
Plus lots and lots of examples!

During this session we will cover:
Gift Tax Issues To/From Nonresidents
Estate Tax Issues To/From Nonresidents
Life Insurance, Pension & Inheritance Taxation
Tax Planning Ideas
Plus lots and lots of examples!

During this session we will cover:
The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
The Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals
US versus foreign source income
State tax issues for US expatriates
Plus lots of examples!

During this session we will cover:
Tax filing status' for foreign nationals
Tax treatment for US Resident Aliens
Tax Treatment for US Nonresident Aliens
Tax Treatment for Dual-Status Aliens
Applicable elections & tax treaty positions
Plus lots of examples!

During this session we will cover:
Foreign Bank Account Reporting Rules
FATCA and how it impacts individuals
Penalties for noncompliance
How to correct previous compliance issues

During this session we will cover:
Introduction to virtual currency
Prior and current tax treatment for domestic (US) tax filers
Potential tax impacts for international taxpayers
How the IRS is targeting cryptocurrency

During this session we will discuss:
Detailed instructions on preparing the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion and the Foreign Tax Credit
Nondiscrimination treaty positions
Social Security and Totalization Agreements
Tax treatment of rental or sale of US/foreign residences while living overseas
Hypothetical tax
Tax equalization sample calculation

During this session we will discuss:
Treatment of FDAP income on Form 1040NR
Taxation of foreign pensions and annuities
Tax treatment of rental/sale of foreign residence
Expatriation provisions
Samples of elections, including the verbiage
Samples of treaty positions
How to prepare a dual-status tax return

During this session we will discuss:
The Bona Fide Resident and Physical Presence Tests
The foreign earned income exclusion and tax treaties
US and foreign source income compensation sourcing
Foreign Housing Exclusion

During this session we will cover:
The difference between the foreign tax credit and the foreign tax deduction
The cash and the accrual basis
US versus foreign source income
Treaty resourcing of income
Plus lots of examples!

During this session we will cover:
The purpose of the Internal Revenue Code's income sourcing rules
Identify time based income sourcing rules
Identify geographically based income sourcing rules
Apply time and geographically based
positions to different compensation elements

During this session we will cover:
The purpose of income tax treaties
Identify situations in which income tax treaties are applicable
Integrate the use of income tax treaties in the tax return preparation process
Identify sources of information on income tax treaties

During this session we will cover:
The difference between dual-status arrival and departure returns
Treatment of US and foreign source income
Common elections and treaty positions
Residency start and end dates

During this session we will cover:
The state tax laws that relate to income tax treaties
Residency rules for states that differ from federal regulations
States and the foreign earned income exclusion
States and the foreign tax credit

During this session we will cover:
The tax treatment of foreign contributions
The tax treatment of foreign distributions
Tax treaty positions which apply to foreign pensions and annuities
Tax treatment of qualified and nonqualified plans

Sign up for the Webinar Bundle and save! The package allows you to attend all of the seminars within one year from the date of purchase!
Testimonials from webinar attendees:
- "What a great, fast-moving, and informative class. I have been in the profession for 40 years and this was by far one of the best courses I have ever taken!! What a great use of one hour!! "
- "Very interesting, useful, and relevant information with excellent examples that was clearly and concisely presented."
- "Katrina is an excellent speaker, extremely knowledgeable. The examples were well written and helped you understand the law. "
- "A difficult topic covered by an expert presenter. Very informative! "
- "Excellent presentation - clear, concise, and interesting! "
- "Excellent program and well presented by a very knowledgeable person!"
- "Great presenter! She broke down the complicated subject into understandable pieces."
- "Again, Katrina has done the rare, the uncommon by digging into another foundational, structural component of Expatriate Taxation."
- "This was one of the best presented, most informative webinars I have ever attended! "
